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Textures Only
Darkened storm clouds with orange-red sky effects. Reworked msfs default MS FS2004 textures are included which will permit more menacing-looking weather conditions to be created. These modifications consist of darkened cumulonimbus textures, as well as afternoon sky textures with an orange-rosy glow along the horizon. Not tested in FS2002 but may work as textures appear to be similar. Modifications by Brian Sturton.

Filesize: 3.66 MB | Added on: Nov 24, 2005 | Downloads: 4449

Users Reviews
Darkened storm clouds with orange-red sky effects. Rating: 6.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

coryintheskywithairplanesrating: 4
March 16, 2006
Inaccurate, simple in construction and difficult to use have it look good. Neat idea though.
christackosrating: 8
November 27, 2005
it makes the sky better