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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Hovercraft V03 made by Mitsuya_at_Hamaguchi

Filesize: 1.25 MB | Added on: Nov 18, 2005 | Downloads: 7261

Users Reviews
Hovercraft V03 Mitsuya_at_Hamaguchi. Rating: 8.20 of 10 over a total of 15 reviews.

cougairrating: 6
January 31, 2008
great doesn t do well with trees around but is a way to hover around. It feels like it has wheels under it... thanks
reithfostrating: 8
June 28, 2007
not usual
tanoorating: 10
January 12, 2007
Thank you for the opportunity to operate this magnificent vehicle.
mackersrating: 8
March 10, 2006
i think this hovercraft is great
verremerating: 5
February 22, 2006
Looks good, but FLIES What s that Wasn t it a hovercraft The VC would be good except for the fix wheel and speedometer looks like cut with scissors.
hhneryrrating: 10
February 6, 2006
sweet hover hip
twiglet69rating: 5
January 27, 2006
sounds good but how do you install it
richardheadrating: 10
January 1, 2006
just excelent and brilliant download it now its the best water veichle ever
leigh8383rating: 10
December 20, 2005
cool nice change from flying
quidwrathrating: 3
December 5, 2005
Absolutely terrible. A big disapointment from Hamaguchi. It s just a model of hovercraft placed over an invisible plane. The wonderful VC is ruined by the fact that you can t control windshield wipers 2D cockpit panel attemped and failed KIAS indicator incomplete INCOMPLETE could ve been better, Hamaguchi, it better. I DO NOT recommend this file for downloading if like detail.
5jmrating: 9
November 26, 2005
Very Good model, enjoyed it. Something different rather than flying all the time
Happy_Simmerrating: 10
November 24, 2005
Very nice model, well done.
flyboy90rating: 9
November 23, 2005
Very cool Fun to pilot aroiund land or water. Nice job on this.
jhizitrating: 10
November 21, 2005
JetRanger0007rating: 10
November 18, 2005
This is one cool,, water craft to float around in your Simulator too It ll get up and move Has a Virtual inside too. Water Simming like never before Cruise those Canals, ways, go under bridges,, sit at the foot of runway watch A.I. Aircraft take off land,,, become virtual plane spotter. Have Boat Races San Francisco Bay area Thank You Designer