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This is an IFR panel for the Shockwave WoP P-47 Shockwave decided with this release to have a Mini 2D panel for their P-47, with absolute minimum gauges. I guess you are supposed to fly from the virtual cockpit. I hate flying from the virtual cockpit, and like to tailoredize my 2D cockpits. After many hours of fiddling, I think I came up with a good compromise cockpit. This panel provides a popup panel with all the instruments gauges from the virtual cockpit panel plus some extras for instrument flying. You will need the Wings of Power Heavy Bombers bundle and the Hurricane IIA bundle for some of the extra instruments gauges (ILS & gunsight) to show up. If you dont have Wings of Power Heavy Bombers package, substitute another ILS. Copy the IFRPanel. bmp into each panel folder. Copy the panel. cfg files into each of the correct folders. Copy the #autopilot. Mk1. gau into your instruments gauges folder. Hope you enjoy.

Filesize: 521.19 Kb | Added on: Nov 10, 2005 | Downloads: 1394