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FS2002 2004 Queensland Coast, Australia Soaring Scenery These files adds some thermals to msfs default Microsoft whole, Queensland Region, Australia Airport Scenery,. over below airports: 1. Maroochydore City Maroochydore-Sunshin e Coast Airp. (ICAO YBMC) ; 2. Gympie City Gympir Airp. (ICAO YGYW) ; 3. Maryborough City Maryborough Airp. (ICAO YMYB) ; 4. Bundaberg City Bundaberg Airp. (ICAO YBUD) ; 5. Monto City Monto Airp. (ICAO YMTO) ; 6. Thangool City Thangool Airp. (ICAO YTNG) ; 7. Gladstone City Gladstone Airp. (ICAO YGLA) ; 8. Rockhampton City Rockhampton Airp (ICAO YBRK) ; 9. Williamson City Williamson Airp. (ICAO YWIS) 10. Mackay City Mackay Airp (ICAO YBMK) ; 11. Moranbah City Moranbah Airp (ICAO YMRB) ; 12. Proserpine City Whitsunday Coasy Airp (ICAO YBPN) ; 13. Bowen City Bowen Ai
Show more... rp (ICAO YBRK) ; 14. Ayr City Ayr Airp. (ICAO YAYR) ; 15. Ingham City Ingham Airp. (ICAO YIGM) ; 16. Lavarack City Lavarack Airp. (ICAO YLVK) ; 17. Innisfal City Innisfal Airp. (ICAO YIFL) ; 18. Mareeba City Mareeba Airp. (ICAO YMBA) ; 19. Cooktown City Cooktown Airp. (ICAO YCKN) ; 20. Chillagoe City Chillagoe Airp. (ICAO YCGO) ; 21. Intermediate Point 1: Coordinates S 16 9. 93 E 144 40. 41 Elevation 1638. 3 ft; 22. Intermediate Point 2: Coordinates S 14 57. 12 E 144 13. 90 Elevation 67. 0 ft; 23. Intermediate Point 3: Coordinates S 14 41. 19 E 143 34. 90 Elevation 60. 0 ft; 24. Coen City Coeb Airp. (ICAO YCOE) ; 25. Lockhart River City Lockhart River Airp. (ICAO YLHR) ; 26. Weipa City Weipa Airp. (ICAO YBWP) ; 27. Bamata City Inginoo Airp. (ICAO YBAM) ; It is freeware. Good flights and better landings By Francisco Vargas. E-mail:cmtvargas_at_ superonda. com. br Show less...

Filesize: 92.55 Kb | Added on: Nov 06, 2005 | Downloads: 900