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FS2002 2004 Switzerland Pack Soaring Scenery This file add some thermals to msfs default Microsoft Switzerland main Airports: 1. Bern City Belp Airport (LSZB). 2. Lausanne City La Blecherette Airport (LSGL). 3. Geneve City Geneve Airport (LSGG). 4. Interlaken City (LSMI). 5. Locarno City Locarno Airport (LSZL). 6. Lugano City Lugano Airport (LSZA). 7. Luzern-Beromunster City Luzern-Beromunster Airport (LSZO). 8. Neuchatel City Neuchatel Airport (LSGN). 9. Sion City Sion Airport (LSGS). 10. Zurich City Zurich Airport (LSZH). It is freeware. By Francisco Vargas. E-mail:cmtvargas_at_ superonda. com. br

Filesize: 6.33 MB | Added on: Oct 31, 2005 | Downloads: 1896

Users Reviews
FS2002 2004 Switzerland Pack Soaring Scenery add thermals. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

LDP1980rating: 10
December 18, 2017
great work
oknamrating: 10
January 13, 2006
Very good