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FS2002 2004 Sun Coast Spain Soaring Scenery These files adds thermals to msfs default Microsoft Marbella, Spain, scenery Region : 1. Benalmadena City Coordinates: N36 363. 49 W 4 3416. 16 elevation: 929 ft; 2. Mijas City Coordinates: N36 368. 42 W 4 3820. 25 Elevation: 2113 ft; 3. Marbella City Coordinates:N36 3121. 50 W 4 5337. 52 Elevation: 389 ft; 4. Marbella Gliderport (LEMB) ficcional. RWY 07 25 3000x450 ft Asphalt and apron. Coordinates:N36 3121. 50 W 4 5337. 52. Elevation: 389 ft. Radio AIDS: TWR 122. 1 Ground 127. 4 ATIS 128. 0 Facilities: 2 Hangars; 5. Torremolinos City Coordinates:N36 3750. 77 W 4 3035. 43 Elevation: 350 ft ; Good Flights and better landings It is freeware. By Francisco Vargas. E-mail:cmtvargas_at_ superonda. com. br

Filesize: 353.83 Kb | Added on: Oct 31, 2005 | Downloads: 1323