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H6K Mavis upgrade regarding the H6K mavis panel upgrade, i was made aware of a problem withthe sound file ungueling on start up. the little gremlin was the seatbellt and nosmoking guage. i deleted this guage and made a new panel cfg. and a copy of the rmi guage. to fix the problem, just go to your h6k mavis folder in fs 9, open the folder then open the panel folder and insert the new panel cfg. allow it to overwrite the old one. then take the rmi guage and insert it in the fs 9 guages folder. if it says to overwrite the guage say y es. then your problems should be solved. thanks pappy sorry for any inconvenience Jim welch acp_pappy_at_yahoo. com

Filesize: 208.23 Kb | Added on: Oct 27, 2005 | Downloads: 1382