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CFS2 FS2002 Fs2004 Polikarpov I-16 Tipo 5 version 2. 0 Though it looked like a stumpy racer, the Polikarpov I-16 was very much a fighter, and the first in the world to go into service combining cantilever single wing airplane wings with retractable landing gear. It was also the greatest fighter of its day, but it was slightly marred by being tricky to fly and dangerous to an inexperienced pilot. The Polikarpov I-16 Tip 5 painted as: 1. Lieutenant Liu Chi-Sheng, 21st PS, 4th PG, CAF, Wuhan area, China, 31st May 1938 2. Kapitan Gubenko Anton Alexeyevich, Russian Volunteer Group, CAF, China, 18th July 1938 3. Pilot unknown, 12nd IAP VMF-KBF (Baltic Fleet), USSR, August 1937 4. Manuel Fernandez, Morales y Zarauza, 4a Escuadrilla, Spain, 14th August 1938 5. Pilot unknown, Captured by Spanish Na
Show more... tionalist, Grupo IW, Madrid-Cuatro Vientos, Spain, 1939 ESPAOL: El I-16 fue el primer caza monoplano de ala baja con tren retrctil en entrar en servicio en el mundo, en otoo de 1934. El segundo prototipo, equipado con un motor M-25 Wright Cyclone haba alcanzado la notable velocidad de 455 km h. En Febrero de ese ao. De fuselaje semimonocasco de madera, y las alas metlicas recubiertas de tela. Las ruedas se retraan a mano por el piloto. Las primeras versiones contaban con dos ametralladoras ShKAS de 762 mm y cabina cerrada. A partir del tipo 10, llamado Sper Mosca en Espaa, se aaden otras dos ametralladoras sobre el motor y se vuelve a la cabina abierta, con un visor de tiro reflector. Se construyeron en total 7000 unidades, participando los ltimos tipos de I-16 en la guerra contra Alemania. Show less...

Filesize: 11.76 MB | Added on: Oct 13, 2005 | Downloads: 2999

Users Reviews
CFS2 FS2002 FS2004 Polikarpov I-16 Tipo 5 version 2.0. Rating: 9.25 of 10 over a total of 8 reviews.

rlcrating: 9
April 4, 2008
Muy bueno.
bobsplacerating: 10
October 11, 2006
Whoever did this simulation needs a giant well done . This aircraft goes into my favorite file with treasured J3 Cub, P38 and Yak52. It is dream to take off fly, but bear land. Short approaches not allowed. Terrific Panel....Gonna do cross country tomorrow. I normally fly outta NAS North Island, in San Diego. puppy does the fastest 180 of any prop simulations, stays stable whole time. Thanks for really fun flying simulation..
sparkmanrating: 9
January 28, 2006
Well it is just as stated, hard to handle and troublesome at times but very manuaverable fast. Good looking plane
jupaseorrating: 10
December 22, 2005
Very well done. Congratulatios to the author
pepepacorating: 9
December 19, 2005
es de los aviones m s logrados que he tenido oportunidad volar, con unos excelentes acabados y un vuelo igual cabr n el original.... en resumen COJONUDO
FOUREYESrating: 10
December 11, 2005
Man the best fighter that I have ever flown great for shootin Zero s, so far ve never ben shot down thanks to tight turn radius and anyone who want s it,get it, file is great, you shouldn t any trouble with it.
azulbluerating: 8
October 17, 2005
alge1rating: 9
October 13, 2005
Muy Bueno