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Special Effects
FS2004-FS2002 FX: Nicks Touchdown and Vortex FX HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT!! When those big boys touch down they dont just chirp -n-smoke the tires.. . that pillow of air under those wings has to go somewhere. With Nicks Touchdown and Vortex FXs you get to see it and if youre close enough to the action, choke on it as well!! The provided touchdown and vortex FXs are designed for all weather conditions and usually enhance wet pavement landings. Three tailored scaled FX files cover large scale military and civilian transports, Airbus, 777s, 747s, 737s, MDs, 727s along with large and little Lear jets. Users of Nicks Prop Dust can also use Nicks Touchdown with Vortex FX to enhance their LARGE prop aircraft on dry asphalt and concrete runways. Installation requires running the auto-installer and makin
Show more... g a minor edit to the aircraft. cfg file. After a great flight wouldnt it be nice to end it with the realistic WoooooooOOSH that Microsoft left out of Flight Simulator? Now you can be BLOWN AWAY with every touchdown! You can also add this FX to all your AI traffic as well. ENJOY! From Nick Needham Klondikekit_at_yahoo . com Show less...

Filesize: 1.24 MB | Added on: Oct 05, 2005 | Downloads: 12973

Users Reviews
FS2004-FS2002 FX Nicks Touchdown and Vortex HOLD HAT!! big. Rating: 9.86 of 10 over a total of 14 reviews.

bankutirating: 10
December 12, 2010
Good job.
dannySTXrating: 9
October 19, 2010
Love to use this made me very happy,another step make fs2004 realistic
jrd1461rating: 10
September 30, 2010
Very nice addon
saints4fsrating: 10
July 8, 2010
mav40rating: 10
January 7, 2008
wow way to go nick on this one makes FS2004 real more realistic
via042rating: 10
July 18, 2007
yenoorrating: 10
July 23, 2006
This is an excellent addon, well done Thanks also for the simple, sensible instructions... A helpful note anyone planning on using this After Changing your aircraft config. files, create a folder named Vortex or something similar, and in it make folders after all of aircraft. In each folder, copy corresponding edited files future use if you ever uninstall MSFS can just them back into directory overwrite originals.... It s much more convenient than repeating whole process again. Download addon worth
french_frierating: 10
May 25, 2006
JohnnyRrating: 9
May 24, 2006
This add on truly work great the jets I even added effect AI planes and got it work. However, is hard to see light prop planes. Still, another get from Nick.
Billyinatreerating: 10
March 31, 2006
great, works great
musicmatt4rating: 10
December 11, 2005
Great, WOW
Taborating: 10
October 10, 2005
Excelente idea, esta que se ha plasmado al fin con este ad on. Los felicito. Capt. M. Vargas Protti. Costa Rica.
737FirstOfficerrating: 10
October 10, 2005
christackosrating: 10
October 9, 2005
it must be great i didn t try yet but ll download now