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Flight Simulator 2002 FS 2004 AI MD-8X USAir This is an AI Aardvark AI traffic model and is designed for use as AI traffic. Features 8 LOD models and moving parts. Very detailed, includes animated compressing gear, flaps and spoilers, thrust reversers, antennas, flap canoes and simulated gear bays and specular highlights. Extremely frame rate friendly. Texture files exclusively requires AIA_MD8X. ZIP. It features reflective textures, with extensive rivets and other markings. Model by AI Aardvark, repaint by Jim Martin.

Filesize: 976.55 Kb | Added on: Sep 22, 2005 | Downloads: 2108

Users Reviews
FS2002 FS 2004 AI MD-8X USAir an Aardvark traffic model. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

musicmatt4rating: 1
December 12, 2005
Totally Didn t understand However, looked good