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Complete Aircraft
FS2004 Ilyushin UN IL-76 Version 3. An Ilyushin Il-76TD in United Nations livery, registration RA-58106. Third version using the latest model by S. Varnavsky This aircraft features many moving parts and animations such as opening crew cargo doors, control surfaces, flaps, and spoilers, as well as a virtual cockpit. This file contains United Nations textures. Aircraft model and master textures by Sergey Varnavskiy, repaint by Trey Brown.

Filesize: 17.28 MB | Added on: Sep 21, 2005 | Downloads: 8840

Users Reviews
FS2004 Ilyushin IL-76 Version 3. Rating: 8.67 of 10 over a total of 9 reviews.

100000988503017-facebookrating: 9
March 31, 2014
arash2731-googlerating: 10
July 28, 2013
aboedhrating: 7
October 5, 2005
its good
greencanrating: 9
September 28, 2005
sound wow 10 flight dynamics 9 graphics 7 cockpit 6.5 A real pleasure to fly
Lobatovichrating: 10
September 28, 2005
Another grate plane Good job, and tank you all.
mrblondrating: 6
September 27, 2005
Wheres the sound
riptide22rating: 9
September 26, 2005
wow great virtual cockpit. Very detailed. The sounds are very loud but realistic. Well worth the download.
soloharperating: 9
September 24, 2005
no AP FD and GPS
coma13rating: 9
September 21, 2005
Very nice overall. I still have problems locating the avionics stack and throttle quadrant....any help