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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
CFS2 FS2002 FS2004 Fokker D VII WW1 bipe. Fokker DVII Model flown by Ltn Rudolph Stark, Jasta 35b. German pilots who flew combat in the D. VII marveled at the planes high rate of climb and excellent handling characteristics. The service ceiling was higher than most Allied fighter planes. This advantage allowed D. VII pilots to built up speed and energy during an attack run, giving them the luxury of being able to pick and choose their targets. During 1918 Fokker D. VIIs destroyed 565 Allied aircraft. A. F. Scrub September 2005

Filesize: 7.68 MB | Added on: Sep 16, 2005 | Downloads: 3123

Users Reviews
CFS2 FS2002 FS2004 Fokker D VII WW1 bipe. Rating: 6.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

rvsteelerating: 8
August 24, 2007
Nice Fokker for the accuracy of dimensions, but engine is not very powerful, maybe pre BMW 180 h.p.
Martin04rating: 5
January 1, 2007
This version does not have brakes, is missing key gauges such as airpseed and altimeter a virtual cockpit. It very responsive in aileron controls, but sluggish elevator controls