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TweakFS Zip Utility for FS2004 (Freeware) Version 1. 0. It is a useful tool for unpacking Zip files downloaded from Flight Simulator file libraries without the need for an existing 3rd-party Zip application. It is FS2004 aware and can automatically detect the Flightsim FS2004 FS9 folder location. Due to this feature it has several handy folder location presets which makes it quick and easy to install aircraft, scenery and other addons which come in Zip files that include folder path information. Copyright 2005 TweakFS. com All right reserved -

Filesize: 800.23 Kb | Added on: Sep 08, 2005 | Downloads: 2763

Users Reviews
TweakFS Zip Utility FS2004 Freeware Version 1.0. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

cesarmarcanorating: 10
December 11, 2005
Excelente Muy bueno estas utilerias de este POWERTOYS para el FS2004, es la primera vez programa fs2004, esta utileria parecida a las TWUEAKS Windows partir 95 en adelante, muchos sigan atrayendoles... Y muy util FS2004 no pa al fs2002, mismo autor lo desarollando los otros fs fs98, fs2000, fs2002 y venidera fs2008 que actualmente desarrollo colocar Vista, cuando cumple 10 os del fs98 todos.... Desde Venezuela, felicitaciones tipo TWUEAK....
Gen_Charles_Yeagerrating: 10
September 13, 2005
Easy to use. Small file, takes very little hard drive space. UnZips your files and assists you in installing new files.
terrydwyerrating: 1
September 8, 2005
Works backward. If you go to decompress, it switches the zip screen. worked would be great, but...........