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Textures Only
NEW NIGHT VIEW FS2004 I just got tired of the dull night ground textures when you fly into a city or over a rural area it didnt feel alive AND I just got tired of the serious frame hit my PC took when trying other night textures that are available because it seems to me that during dusk or dawn, Flightsim FS2004 FS9 is trying to load the whole caboodle over one another and it stutters all over the place. Enjoy It !! Terblanche Jordaan terblanche1_at_telko msa. net

Filesize: 5.25 MB | Added on: Aug 23, 2005 | Downloads: 2578

Users Reviews
NEW NIGHT VIEW FS2004 I tired dull night ground textures. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

Handyman27rating: 8
October 16, 2018
looking for something different night hope this is wehat im