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Complete Aircraft
FS2004 Aircraft: Nicks Space Shuttle Landing Challenge Featuring the Space Shuttle Discovery and celebrating NASAs return to space! The space shuttle is returning from orbit and has just completed its transition through 100, 000 feet. You are between 80-110 nautical miles from touchdown. Your speed is Mach 3. 5 and decelerating quickly as you pass 83, 000 feet. Ground control has reported the TAEM guidance auto-landing navigation system and its backup systems have crashed. A critical failure has occurred and there is no time to repair and reboot the ground system before the shuttle will reach the runway glide scope acquisition point. You will have to manually navigate, locate the airfield, pilot and land the space shuttle. Can you do it?? This bundle includes the Space Shuttle Discovery re
Show more... designed using actual NASA-Boeing mechanical aeronautical engineering data, panel, sounds and landing FX. The original. mdl file is by Matthew Moxon and a modified for Flightsim FS2004 FS9 panel byTom Kellner. Model repaint, flight dynamics, air file, sound. cfg, adventure flights and shuttle landing FX by Nick Needham Includes NASAs description of the entire landing process which you can now experience in Flight Simulator! This bundle includes an install for FS2002 as well. ENJOY! Nick Needham Klondikekit_at_yahoo . com Show less...

Filesize: 27.62 MB | Added on: Aug 17, 2005 | Downloads: 10242

Users Reviews
FS2004 Aircraft Nicks Space Shuttle Landing Challenge. Rating: 9.25 of 10 over a total of 16 reviews.

normster5659rating: 10
June 28, 2007
Great add on This is one of the better made avalible Work Norm
WOowrating: 8
July 19, 2006
It s better the Orbiter Space Simulator, much
viper16crating: 9
January 7, 2006
The realism in this challange is great But I gave it a 9 because has couple of miner flaws. Don t know if the updates took care them or not
masterman83rating: 10
December 17, 2005
exelant but can someone tell me where the landing gear is
17rating: 8
September 14, 2005
xplaneriderrating: 10
September 4, 2005
I gave this a 10 because of the final edition package See and fact that author emailed me back with positive support in less than an hour. It is one best packages have ever used it provides adventures, effects, realistic flight dynamics ability to crash land without sim coming halt. The user TYLON bogus rating 1 order get another aircraft he voted for higher on rated list shame people do things like that. This excellent addition my collection.
greatsnzrating: 10
September 3, 2005
reverndlinesrating: 9
August 24, 2005
Great add on. Ive been waiting for a space shuttle,the olny thing is i dont see the landing gear but great on
sjoerdwaarlerating: 10
August 23, 2005
the first shuttle in fs2004
aebishoprating: 10
August 21, 2005
great. i loved it
cooldakerrating: 7
August 21, 2005
Nice idea and overall a great package. Model quality could be better however
michi2681991rating: 10
August 21, 2005
It s a great Ad On
ankh21rating: 9
August 19, 2005
Really exciting But i cannot see the landing gear, don t know why. I installed 2004 version for FS9, but Discovery seems to be a hoovercraft
77vljrating: 8
August 18, 2005
Will give another rating in a few days
AeroMinarating: 10
August 18, 2005
klondikerating: 10
August 18, 2005
NASA has recently provided me with structural integrity specs and updated suspension system information. The update will include the shuttles real ability to water or ground slide land in an emergency. Also, new belly effects be added. Update coming soon address landing gear not visual issue. If you are seeing this problem now, fs9.cfg, change shuttle 0 a 1 under heading FrameCallNoWarn . Hope everyone enjoys package