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Beechcraft D18S for FS2002. by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and Andre Folkers. Virtual Cockpit and No-VC models included; Pkg incl Gmax Aircraft with hand-flyer flight dynamics and features a beautiful tailored era correct panel and easy-to-read virtual cockpit, picturereal exterior textures and gauges, matching interior, Virtual Cockpit gauge backlighting, and Html checklists for printing. Sounds recommended for this aircraft are ba_gbr. zip by Mike Hambly. Support website and contact info in documentation.

Filesize: 16.28 MB | Added on: Jul 27, 2005 | Downloads: 3326

Users Reviews
Beechcraft D18S FS2002. Rating: 9.50 of 10 over a total of 10 reviews.

mrawesome445rating: 10
September 27, 2010
RodgePittermenrating: 10
August 27, 2005
This is by far the best freeware download I ve found The details in cockpit are amazing. Everything works.Who needs default DC3 when you have this
meach2rating: 8
August 26, 2005
Excellent work on this lovely vintage aircraft I can almost smell the cockpit uages are authentic, panel is really well done. ve been gettn se to long flights using old fashioned, but very orkable autopilot. It flies and handles close a real vintage, also taildragger. found that 70 kt approch does trick. Thanks for guys done Trev
doc075rating: 10
August 21, 2005
I am no expert on aircraft by any means, but man do love this plane. It handles very nice and smooth. Thanks for the add on. Recommended to those who propeller airplanes.
alge1rating: 9
August 19, 2005
Muy bueno, no le falta nada
up-chuckrating: 10
August 1, 2005
the best ive seen in a long time. must have. The VC is outstanding.
Pedro-Mouloudrating: 10
July 31, 2005
THE must. Not 10 but 20. This is the new reference in models for FS9. Hats off.
kingdograting: 8
July 29, 2005
Great flier. Nicely done.
captain_Seanrating: 10
July 29, 2005
Amazing A must have for all simmers
sparkmanrating: 10
July 27, 2005
This is one of the best ever, and I ve seen quit a few. Really about 12