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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 Sikorsky VS-44 Avalon Air Transport Sikorskys last fixed-wing airplane, operated by Avalon Air Transport (later Catalina Airlines) 1957-67 on taxi runs between Long Beach, CA and Catalina Island. Made over 8, 000 trips in 10 years, sometimes 12 in a day. Passenger capacity increased from 32 to 47 by removing galley and sleeper berths, and decreasing fuel load. Flight deck greatly modified in order to reduce crew required from 5 to 2. FSDS2 model with virtual cockpit, passenger compartment. Improved flight dynamics. Some instruments and interior details based on pictures taken at New England Air Museum. Custom XML instruments gauges plus defaults from DC-3. Animated cowl flaps and hatches. A flying boat, not an amphibian. No landing gear, but beaching gear provided. Can be taxied in and out of water. By George Diemer.

Filesize: 5.72 MB | Added on: Jun 13, 2005 | Downloads: 4857

Users Reviews
FS2004 Sikorsky 44 Avalon Air Transport Sikorskys. Rating: 7.90 of 10 over a total of 10 reviews.

avarirating: 8
January 2, 2011
Perfect Cockpit, but not too good Texture
sachalexrating: 9
August 18, 2007
very nice.
serfatplaprating: 10
July 19, 2007
the best vc i have seen in a ggod while love it flies like is on rails you point and goes
Ajax1rating: 10
June 20, 2007
No Doubt a 10 Best cockpit virtual I ve seen on ANY DOWNLOAD Great attention to detail. It actually has water effects landing. Flys like smooth bubba hoo. Excellent paint can also be an anphibious plane. If you or don t the classic flying boats, still need d l this one
bobsplacerating: 9
November 13, 2006
This aircraft flys like an angel once into the air.....takes 100 kts to lift outta water. Controls are smooth, trims nicely and navaids work fine. I flew a Walter Mitty flight from Seattle Avalon, no sweat. plane lets you trim it up then play with navaids. really it... A Big Well Done developers.
cybercoprating: 8
August 12, 2006
The panel and VC are very detailed. VC, while one of the best looking I ve seen, is not operational aside from views.
estradarating: 9
August 11, 2006
only problem is that when landing gear retracted they come up and go down the wings into oblivion its pretty funny actually, not really a just glitch, great plane LOVE paint job. good download. by way other rate where he says it wont fly right or take off on water, thats bs worked wonderfully for me. i love boat planes.
wb3hhvrating: 1
June 30, 2005
Unable to rate as I am unable download more than the 5Kb non working file. Help Thanks De wb3hhv
cooldakerrating: 5
June 27, 2005
Outstanding model, panel and vc but unfortunately it will not take off on water as even at full power stays put i cannot control in the air when stick is centered plane pulls up much can. Therefore this aircraft unusable
up-chuckrating: 10
June 14, 2005
I love it Nice panel, nice VC, the beache gear. Deffinantly a keeper.