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Trident Departure V1. 0 This video uses David Maltbys, Dave Bookers, Saverio Maurri and many others Trident Two aircraft. It features push back, taxi and takeoff all to the score of Frank Sinatra. It runs for just over 3 minutes. A big thank you to David Maltby, Dave Booker, Saverio Maurri and all of the others for all of their hard work and dedication to the flight sim community. To download this and other British Classic Aircraft visit http: www. dmflightsim. co. uk Also pay a visit to the Classic British Aircraft Forum at http: www. cbfsim. co. uk Remember This film belongs to myself and must not be used for any commercial or money making scheme. The featured aircraft and scenery belong to many other people who have their own copyright, who spent alot of time and who do more than enough
Show more... for the flight sim community. I just have the good job of flying and making the films. The sound track to the film belongs to the late, great Frank Sinatra. To view the movie just click on the icon and it should autoplay. Many Thanks, I hope you enjoy. Nathan Bialek Please free to contact me at nathanbialek_at_aol. com with your comments. Show less...

Filesize: 21.72 MB | Added on: Jun 07, 2005 | Downloads: 947