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Textures Only
SplashScreen for Flight Simulator 2004 To use, simply rename the bitmap file included to dlgsplash and place it in your Uires folder in your flight simulator directory. You will be given a message to overwrite the original click yes. I suggest creating a backup copy of the original splash screen and store in a seperate folder. Screenshot by Paul Murphy and composition by Joe Drennan. Please do not publish this anywhere without my permission. If you would like one of your own screenshots in the splashscreen you can contact me. (captainjmd_at_ntlwo rld. com) I hope you enjoy this splashscreen, Cheers, Joe.

Filesize: 409.45 Kb | Added on: Jun 01, 2005 | Downloads: 1135

Users Reviews
SplashScreen FS2004 simply rename bitmap included. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

joedrennanrating: 10
June 1, 2005
Great shot Paul