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FS2004 Scenery-T. F. Green State Airport (KPVD) : July, 1931, Hillsgrove State Airport, located on Airport Road, then called Occupasstuxet Road, opened becoming the first state-owned and operated airport in the United States. The Airport originally was 158 acres of cleared brush and turf runways. The Airport was dedicated on September 27, 1931, two air shows at the newly dedicated facility drew a crowd of over 150, 000. This was the largest crowd that had attended a public function in the country. On December 27, 1938, Governor Robert E. Quinn, by executive order renamed Hillsgrove State Airport to Theodore Francis Green State Airport, who was Rhode Islands Governor from 1933-1937 and an avid supporter of aviation. This scenery was created using FSDS2, LagoFSE and Rwy12. All of the Nova textures are required as is Traffic Tools and AFCAD2. By John B. Loney, Jr.

Filesize: 723.64 Kb | Added on: Apr 23, 2005 | Downloads: 1768

Users Reviews
FS2004 Scenery-T.F.Green State Airport KPVD July 1931. Rating: 3.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

deano45rating: 3
September 22, 2007
hard to install i couldnt do it because was confusing. gave a 3 anyone who can would be great