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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
ZiggyFsims proudly presents its very first stand-alone Aircraft. Although this is just repainted textures of original MSFS BeechBaron it goes as a complete new aircraft because a lot has been modified. It starts with a new paintscheme, based on a real BeechBaron, with a higher level of detail (little chrome parts, turbo slots as seen on original 56 58 turbos, signs and logos, dxtBmps, dynymic reflective textures with alpha channel, outside views on engines, a very realistic high performance CFG-File and finally a special created, powerful but smooth running brand new turbo normalized sound set. Hellowear Aerosport livery & Teledyne IO550 Turbo normalized sound by: Siggi Schaeffer ZiggyFsimsCredits:Br ett Henderson cmnsns12_at_hotmail. com (Aircraft. cfg) S. Schaeffer ziggyfsims_at_yahoo. com (T-Sound & HelloWear Repaint)

Filesize: 15.03 MB | Added on: Apr 19, 2005 | Downloads: 7918

Users Reviews
ZiggyFsims proudly presents stand Aircraft. Rating: 9.68 of 10 over a total of 19 reviews.

Lars2008rating: 10
August 1, 2007
Sierra Hotel
FlyGirl1727rating: 10
February 16, 2006
Incredible Perfect inspiration for a stand alone I don t give 10s and even 9s are rare, this gets crazy 10 You have broken me. GOOD JOB
sunsetartsrating: 10
February 16, 2006
Easy to load, easy fly and it beats the living tar out of default Baron. It takes off in a parking lot, lands on postage stamp can still haul at over 230 knots. I don t even use Baron after downloading this one. ve made my aircraft. only needs different paintjob be absolutely perfect.
splattrating: 10
February 11, 2006
I m not a fan of the baron at all. The default that is. It took seeing other ratings to convince me take spin. This plane scoots Perhaps it is one my favorites now. Please make more planes. A duke would be most rightuos.
kev427rating: 10
December 7, 2005
Dollarbillrating: 10
December 2, 2005
Well done indeed. Excellent work. Keep it up
beechcraftmanrating: 10
November 23, 2005
Great plane Still looking for a 55 or 58 with Fox Star conversion
lrsdjsrating: 10
November 11, 2005
twixrating: 10
August 4, 2005
BODNrating: 9
July 27, 2005
Nice update for your FS9 Baron more power newtextures diferent flight characteristics overall a new Plane still though but well done
drbackjackrating: 8
July 27, 2005
Very nice paint Plane handles well, Love the sounds.
JSFightermanrating: 10
June 24, 2005
Amazing, the sound is wounderful, virtual cockpit amazing and compared to normal 58, this heaven.
Starfire1rating: 10
May 16, 2005
Much better to fly with this version. Great sound. I hope you create a lot more of such fantastic planes. Thank
edunatirating: 10
May 5, 2005
Muy bi n, disfruto mucho volando con este avi solo he encontrado que el indicador de velocidad aerodin mica no est actualizado para la n
vmich2797rating: 9
April 30, 2005
A must have, easy to install for us newbies. Fly s great very smooth. Sounds great, looks great. Leaves the original Baron dead.
purpleponcarating: 8
April 29, 2005
im only giving it an 8 because i downloaded from here and tried all kinds of ways installing to no avail, but did get another website worked fine, except when making a sharp turn the engines went idle, then had push on throttles keep in air, otherwise great model, flies great, sounds is excellent, now if can find out how fix engine shutdown problem, would be 10, work, Happy Flying
dadmanrating: 10
April 27, 2005
Great plane, looks much better than fs9 Baron. Flys great and avionics all work. I hope you make more planes
sparkmanrating: 10
April 23, 2005
Very nice change to one of my favorites, great grapics...smoooooth better that the original fs9 version good sound.....a keeper....Sparkman
EricEsascorating: 10
April 20, 2005
I would give this a 9 because of the sound loop outside aircraft but why be stingy. This is great add on. The textures are clear with no hit to FPS. Reworked panel, flight dynamics and all superbly done. hope see more from design team. Good work.