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FIAT G55 CENTAURO Yellow 8, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana 1^ squadriglia, II gruppo caccia Gigi tre Osei. Bresso airfield 1944. REPAINT by MARCO GADIOLI Repainted in the Three-Tone Splinter pattern :Experimental Camouflage. The three colors are probably the giallo mimetico3, marrone mimetico2 and verde mimetico1 used by the Regia Aeronautica. exclusively few G55 had this camuflage, and there are few picturegraphs. the earliest picturegraph was taken on 23 april 1944 in a flight from Reggio Emilia to Bresso. This layout was seen in the airfields of Bresso, Lonate Pozzolo, Cascina Vaga and Reggio Emilia. Note the top fuselage section behind the cockpit, the rudder, the ailerons and the Gigi tre osei insigna painted in the original verde oliva scuro 2. My best thanks to Corrado La Posta for the kind permission to paint this aircraft. Marco Gadioli quinzio. gadioli_at_tin. it

Filesize: 1022.81 Kb | Added on: Apr 09, 2005 | Downloads: 1313