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Random Weather Generator for Flight Simulator 2004 Version 2. 0, creates world weather or weather for littleer areas. According to new features of Flight Simulator 2004, different weather areas can be seen from the distance. Weather includes fog, rain, thunderstorms, high and low pressure areas, realistic winds, temperatures, turbulence, dewpoints, visibility and different cloud layers. You may print weather reports for each airport and look for fog, rain and thunderstorm areas on a map. Important new feature: Weather files can be written to desired flight file. Free for registered users of WETTER 2002, V. 2. 0 and WETTER 2004, V. 1. 0. Shareware with all features working, but some limitations in the demo-version. Written by Klaus Prichatz (KPrichatz_at_t-onli ne. de)

Filesize: 1.86 MB | Added on: Apr 05, 2005 | Downloads: 4094

Users Reviews
Random Weather Generator FS2004 Version 2.0 creates world. Rating: 2.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

avkingrating: 2
July 25, 2011
This thing is ridiculous to install For one, you have actually it onto your computer. whats up with that DO NOT DOWNLOAD