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Boeing 767-300 panel made by Massimo Grassi reworked by Marco Spada to be used with Tony DAmbrosio Sharevare gauges. You need to have registred TA instruments gauges and NAV Data. Included TA working FMC with route imported from fs2004. MArco Spada..

Filesize: 4.55 MB | Added on: Mar 25, 2005 | Downloads: 3428

Users Reviews
Boeing 767-300 panel Massimo Grassi reworked Marco Spada. Rating: 4.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

kauli3874193-googlerating: 1
August 3, 2018
Wo kann ich meine Messger te und NAV Daten registrieren
bucketrating: 7
August 31, 2007
yeah look, not bad, but just didn t sit right with me, might please others though.