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FS2004 FS2002 De Havilland DH-114 Heron; Aero Shell Do you remember the old Airfix 1 72 scale model, with the picture on the box cover showing a red nosed DH-114 Heron taking off from a SHELL oil field? When I saw Dee Waldrons great little Flight Sim Heron, I just had to repaint that plane in the Aero Shell livery. This is a great AI plane to have flying around in oil rich areas like Venezuela, Borneo, Malaysia. I am talking about the nineteen fifties and sixties, when these planes were often used to fly personnel to remote oil fields. These are textures only. The aircraft required is the AI DH-114-2B (Gypsy Queen engined variant) by Dee Waldron which is available at http: 81. 208. 92. 5 0_Dee fs_projects index. html. Textures repaint by Jaap de Baare

Filesize: 389.81 Kb | Added on: Mar 12, 2005 | Downloads: 1585