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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
VFD 1948 Beechcraft Bonanza 35. This model was created using FDS2. 24 and standard MS instruments gauges and sounds. My goal for this project isto create as authentic a modle of an early version v-tail as possible, in side and out. The current Virtual Cockpit used MS gaugea from the Vega and the DC3. I have done many hours of testing and tweaking to the model and now need imput from other simers. I have taken it as far as I am able to given the resources I have. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have or assistance you may want to lend. beech_at_methodology inc. comI Hope you enjoy. Features: (So Far) 1. 95% fully animated parts. 2. Detailed and animated Virtual Cockpit (The stock MS instruments gauges are interactive only). 3. Reflective Texture (Looks much better reflective than
Show more... not). 4. Landing and Nav lights as provided on original 35. 5. Extending VHF Antena (Keyboard Comand ) 6. Check List from the 1948 Bonanza Handbook 7. Accurate Flight Dynamics By Tom Goodrick. (Thanks again Tom) I will continue to work on this addon to achive as acurate an example as possible. Show less...

Filesize: 11.62 MB | Added on: Mar 03, 2005 | Downloads: 6096

Users Reviews
VFD 1948 Beechcraft Bonanza 35. Rating: 7.42 of 10 over a total of 12 reviews.

piloto6825rating: 10
November 19, 2007
Verry God airplane love it
purpleponcarating: 8
March 13, 2007
first of all thanx for the effort put in this, i dont like vc, but do older worn look this plane, flies well lands excellently and love way prop spins realistically, once I change panel it will surely be a keeper thumbs up happy flying every1
GRatrating: 8
March 20, 2006
Excellent work on the download and I would like to look forward a later model. also point out that sensitivity in flying charachteristics is rather inaccurate because bonanza has always been sensitive aircraft weight balance overloads. Nice Work doors don t open
gizerdwizerd4uqrating: 5
December 25, 2005
from spot view this plane looks great except for a grey square coming the cockpit no pilot i couldnt get panel to work so downloaded more modern version but otherwise best looking v tail around
air500rating: 10
November 9, 2005
7e7-2005rating: 7
April 18, 2005
I like htis aircraft alot.
EricEsascorating: 4
March 13, 2005
There is no panel and the guages are scaled wrong.
ben8nrating: 10
March 9, 2005
groundsquirrelrating: 10
March 6, 2005
Everything is correct, this has always been one of my favorite aircraft and I have missing it since Fs2k2 due the lack a good Fs9 model. No more, nails it. had no problem with download or install. The bird flies like dream, well balanced trims easily. VC really nice for freeware model as well. Kudos fine John Elliott Young Director Operations Flight Simulator Design University
philliprgrating: 3
March 6, 2005
Needs some work. The main panel view is just a black screen with few gauges , and there no pilot. For the size of this download it should be much better. Fix will nice plane.
woody101rating: 4
March 5, 2005
Unable to see out of the plane from VC, flys nice but needs some refinements.
sparkmanrating: 10
March 4, 2005
This is a sweet, sweet plane. the only thing I would add be realistic pilot.....but it s not really will sorry ....Sparkman