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Complete Aircraft
Thank you for downloading the fantastic Airbus A380-800 by Robert Yersluys, with my paint of China Southern. Livery and tail number are both fictional but the livery i think should look like near that. Included are msfs default panel and sound. Original model by Robert Versluys Paint by Dirk Kiefer wolkenrambo_at_hotma il. com Happy flights Dirk

Filesize: 2.75 MB | Added on: Feb 13, 2005 | Downloads: 2532

Users Reviews
fantastic Airbus A380-800 Robert Yersluys with paint China. Rating: 8.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

nino_r4rating: 7
June 12, 2005
i raTe 10 For The OuTsIde ... and 3 for the Inside nice plane bad cocpit
DC7guyrating: 9
February 24, 2005
Nice Flying Airbus Plan your take offs and landings carefully uses a lot of runway. It is definitely no F 15 in the air, seminds me flying C 5A brick with wingsLOL A good download, for all to use I thought design team did great job Not crazy over 747 cockpit have find airbus 380 panel Other than that Its keeper
BRIGHTBOYrating: 9
February 19, 2005
Good. but why not make your own panel insted of using a 747 one worth downloading though its the best i have seen yet