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Boeing 727-200 FS2004 Cosmetic fix for B7272pnl. zip INSTALLATION Copy bitmap and panel. cfg files to your B727 panel folder, yes when prompted to overwrite. Steve Southey

Filesize: 1.27 MB | Added on: Feb 04, 2005 | Downloads: 4493

Users Reviews
Boeing 727-200 FS2004 Cosmetic fix Rating: 7.33 of 10 over a total of 9 reviews.

724233rating: 10
December 7, 2007
767-200ERrating: 9
August 19, 2007
swed20000rating: 9
October 12, 2005
I really enjoy the B727 a lot, in fact it seems to be only aircraft have been flying lately. Kudos Steve and his mates for doing such fine job on this fabulous panel. Incidently, comments made by Christopher 3000 toward Docmach were totally out of line. While being FS 2004 frequent flyer also am private pilot, common courtesy is rule number 1. would guess ground based pilot or should say, Pile It . What are you shoveling Chris ever sure pile high hope boots it. Love, Swed
coma13rating: 5
September 22, 2005
Looks like the gauges are blank. Anyone can help
britishrating: 7
June 13, 2005
good panel
cpt_slipstreamrating: 8
May 19, 2005
nice panel... To christopher3000 i ve love to ban you from this site, people like don t deserve use service, should grow up. d never make a real pilot coz they are gentlemen willyman, and have repect common courtsey for that problem, your more worthless then what just scrap ed off the bottom of my shoe
willymanrating: 9
April 19, 2005
Thanks for the panel fix... To Christopher3000, some of us are not as smart you, but you everyone else. Good answer, could have done without moron piece. This website is a tool learning.
Christopher3000rating: 8
April 17, 2005
Gee, I wonder why there were no gauges Hmmm... let me see. Maybe it s because this is just a cosmetic fix for the panel, and Gauges folder in download FS2004 Cosmetic means you need before one, moron.
Docmachrating: 1
February 8, 2005
I followed the instructions verbatum and got only a panel without guages After 3 hrs. of trying virtually everything could, ve given up. Nice looking panel...wish could have used it.