Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Complete Aircraft
FS2002 Gandalf Faichild Dornier 328JET LT. Total 3D moving part (turbofan, elevators, alierons, rudders, flap, spoilers, horizontal stabilizer, landing gears and doors), light (landing lights, taxi light, navigation lights, strobe lights), High resolution texture for FS2K (. bmp), Night textures.

Filesize: 344.00 Kb | Added on: Apr 23, 2001 | Downloads: 1995

Users Reviews
FS2002 Gandalf Faichild Dornier 328JET LT. Rating: 8.50 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

philliprgrating: 7
May 14, 2004
Not to bad a job on this. For such small download I think it is good. would like see this plane in larger with more specials doors opening and VC.
jbm2rating: 10
August 29, 2001