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GMax model of four MD-81s in SAS livery. This bundle contains four SAS MD-81 in two different liveries. The new c s (Its Scandinavian) and the old colour layout (Janne). The four aircrafts included are: SE-DIR SAS MD-81 Janne c s OY-KGY SAS MD-81 new c s OY-KHN SAS MD-81 Janne c s (Weathered, heavy) LN-RMT SAS MD-81 new c s (Weathered) The four aircrafts differ, and none of the four planes have the same window configuration. So when using them as AI-aircrafts they will not look alike in the evening. This MD-81 from Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) is suitable as AI-aircraft together with Scandinavian Traffic Routes (get it at www. flightsim. no). The model has a minimum of moving parts and exclusively a 12-point fuselage. All to keep the framerate up. FSRepainter and Peter Nrkjr (noerkjaer_at_mail. dk)

Filesize: 62.48 MB | Added on: Jan 19, 2005 | Downloads: 2746