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Fairchild Republic A10 Warthog Tank Killer Soundset for FS2004 02. Compiled from authentic training films. Captures the wonderful whine and growl of the low level fighter aircraft. Complete internal and exterior immersion. Complete with startup and shutdown, warnings, avionics, canopy, turbine, roll, gear, stall, wind, autopilot. Shareware $7. 00 U. S. Install and purchase use the FlightOne wrapper software. Also available through PayPal.

Filesize: 4.35 MB | Added on: Jan 21, 2005 | Downloads: 2294

Users Reviews
Fairchild Republic A10 Warthog Tank Killer Soundset FS2004. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

raphaelrenerating: 8
March 30, 2006