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FS2004 Scenery-The Rapid City Regional Airport (KRAP) was originally located at the current site of Ellsworth Air Force Base and during World War II shared the airport with the United States Army Air Corps. Commercial service to Rapid City commenced in 1938 by Inland Airlines, a predecessor to Western Airlines. With a decision to make the airport a permanent Air Force Base, the Rapid City Regional Airport was relocated to the present site. Western Airlines commenced commercial air service to Rapid City at the new Rapid City Regional Airport in August of 1950. Rapid City Regional Airport serves Rapid City and Pennington County and is owned by the City of Rapid City. The airport has more than one runway. The longest is a paved runway extending 8701 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 32
Show more... 02 feet at a distance of about 8 miles from Rapid City. Requires ASDv2. 1, Nova, Nova Gold, NovaSim and Rwy12 Textures. Also requires Traffic Tools v2x and AFCAD2. Lago FSE optional. By John B. Loney, Jr. Show less...

Filesize: 661.42 Kb | Added on: Jan 20, 2005 | Downloads: 1421