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Xtreme Bush Flying Readme This readme explains what is and how to install the Xtreme Bush Flying Adventure Pack. Thanks to Bill (see the HowTo on creating Adventures) I could create a full Adventure Pack for the Xtreme Bush Flying and now you can enjoy that without many effort. What Is? Well, the Xtreme Bush Flying is the hard weather when flying VFR. Try to recon the landscape, use the compass and a watch to search for the next hop of your trip. This Adventure Pack will drive you through the basics of Xtreme Bush Flying as valuable lessons when you are at the wrong place and wrong time, up there when its raining! HowTo install? Simply unpack this zip to Flightsim FS2004 FS9Flights and thats done. To find the Xtreme Bush Flying Adventure Pack on FS2004 simply go to the Select a Flight section and search for the Xtreme Bush Flying folder. All flights are there. hope you enjoy! rengolin http: br. groups. yahoo. com group xtreme-bush-flying

Filesize: 50.75 Kb | Added on: Jan 12, 2005 | Downloads: 2372