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Main-Panel in blue for the Virtual-cockpit repaint in blue and Delta-Livery by James Waters. This my work is based on the work before of the following flightsimmers an you need the correspondig zip-files: 1) M80aza. zip MD 81 82 with virtual cockpit made by Mitsushi Yutaka, Warren C. Daniel and Peefunk (Livery Alitalia) 2) fsp-82vc. zip Textures repaint of the virtual cockpit of above in blue and Livery DELTA-Airlines made by James Waters really good, but no 2-D-Panel. Important: You need concorde-gauges Therefore I repainted the original-Main-Bitmap of M80aza. zip in blue und scaled down colour-depth to 256. I made the panel partially with other instruments gauges according to my own taste. In the virtual cockpit I added into the glare-shield NAV1, repositionned the RMI and made it bigger
Show more... . Into the place of the standby-horizon I put other Autopilot-Command-Sw itches consequently you can fly the aircraft almost entirely from the virtual cockpit. Aurelio Torres alredy made corresponding instruments gauges into the glare-shield, but unfortunately the did not show up on my computer. Therefore I replaced them. 3 new views for the 2-D-Panel were added, 2 Wingviews an 1 Cabinview. CREDIT goes to the creators of M80aza. zip James Waters for his repaint of Virtual Cockpit and Delta-Livery Aurelio Torres for his work on the Virtual Cockpit Good luck in putting all together. If you have it alredy, you exclusively need my zip-File with panel, instruments gauges and use my panel. cfg. horstcloudflyer_at_a ol, com Show less...

Filesize: 5.01 MB | Added on: Jan 06, 2005 | Downloads: 3383

Users Reviews
Main-Panel blue Virtual-cockpit repaint and Delta-Livery. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

ftpcleandutchrating: 10
August 26, 2006
well it s pretty cool
slick2000rating: 6
April 29, 2005
where can i find the required packages