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Bermuda Triangle Flightsim FS2004 FS9 Take a ride into the unknown of the Bermuda triangle, an huge area of the atlantic ocean off the Florida coast where many planes and ships have just-well.. dissapeared!Whether or not there really is phenomenon brewin out there for real dont matter cause in the Flightsim FS2004 FS9 world its been going on and I was able to save a few flights of what I found out there with some screenshots to proove it.. Good luck, steer by the stars, dont get lost.. . By Ron Jeffers

Filesize: 930.92 Kb | Added on: Dec 21, 2004 | Downloads: 3616

Users Reviews
Bermuda Triangle FS2004 FS9 a ride unknown triangle an. Rating: 8.80 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

reconronrating: 10
February 16, 2005
You need FSE to view the ships and planes...
1tophatrating: 5
February 15, 2005
i downloded it but win instaled saw no plans ships ext just junk
jovianrating: 10
December 27, 2004
Truly unique mod for this sim. A great idea that will test a virtual pilots skills.
fornorating: 9
December 24, 2004
DeltaXArating: 10
December 22, 2004