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Thankyou for Downloading The Columbus LIght house By Dominican Aerodromes The Columbus Memorial Lighthouse, a cross-shaped monument in reinforced concrete, 680 feet long from east to west and 195 feet north to south, has become the most visited monument in the Dominican Republic and probably in the Caribbean Area. It is an impressive night spectacle, when the vertical sheets of light rising from the 157 beams on its canyons reflect the great cross on the sky that can be seen miles around. The multiple colors of the flags waving together in its facade symbolize the fraternity of nations and the union of the different cultures, races and beliefs that inhabit the earth. Hope you like it!! Ricardo Morillo support_at_dominican aerodromes. com www. dominicanaerodromes. com Be sure to pass by our web page and check out our work!!

Filesize: 511.88 Kb | Added on: Dec 15, 2004 | Downloads: 1537