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FS2004 Rolls Royce Tyne sounds for Vickers Vanguard aircraft. Designed for use with Rick Pipers Vickers Vanguard, and the panel vc9panel. zip, the sounds have been renovated and improved for FS2004, with original Tyne 506 recordings. By Fraser A. McKay.

Filesize: 13.75 MB | Added on: Dec 13, 2004 | Downloads: 2833

Users Reviews
FS2004 Rolls Royce Tyne sounds Vickers Vanguard aircraft. Rating: 8.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

philliprgrating: 6
June 7, 2005
I put this sound in a L188 four engine prop. It makes heck of loud shrill noise. will download Vangaurd and try it. m not sure what sounds like. This may be fair rating. does work great, just real odd.
calichicorating: 10
April 7, 2005
muy bueno
caboodle2rating: 10
March 11, 2005
Absolutely superb Very well done Roebrt, Melbourne, Australia