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Complete Aircraft
Howdy simmers! We thought wed provide you with this file so that you could, provided you know basic aircraft. cfg editing, give your 727 the proper engines for what you want to do. This is aimed more or less at painters who may need to give an aircraft specific engines, but its for the general public as well if they want to tailoredize their 727. Following is a set of MCT values to enter in the [TurbineEngineData] static_thrust section. These are NOT fully rated values but rather MCT values. The engine tables will give you the full thrust rating when you need it (and you shouldnt!). They are as follows: JT8D-7B 9A 11 12600. 00 JT8D-15A 13750. 00 JT8D-17 17R 15200. 00 Happy simming! :)

Filesize: 9.41 MB | Added on: Dec 09, 2004 | Downloads: 2536

Users Reviews
Howdy simmers! thought wed provide with basic aircraft.cfg. Rating: 8.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

jamsan2005rating: 9
January 12, 2006
Cool, great cockpit, no vc though
12flaviorating: 8
December 27, 2004
Mathijs999rating: 8
December 9, 2004
Nice plane, there s pnly no cockpit