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Complete Aircraft
Continental Virtual Airlines Concorde To install into FS2004 unzip the CVA_Concorde into a termporary folder or into the Microsoft Games Flight Simulator 9 Aircraft File Description: This is my first painting of any aircraft. It isnt very good so dont get mad at me if you dont like it. I didnt do a good job on the tail but it looks like a Continental plane. View my Continental VA here. http: free. hostultra. com ~David CVA David http: CVA-VA. tk

Filesize: 13.63 MB | Added on: Dec 06, 2004 | Downloads: 7372

Users Reviews
Continental Virtual Airlines Concorde install FS2004 unzip. Rating: 6.20 of 10 over a total of 10 reviews.

concordeboyrating: 5
April 2, 2006
It is ok, but the back wheels never touch ground, which stupidest thing ever To make it fly reduce payload, there a way to ground If so please private message me help with this download. Other than that its great Has nice panel and sound.
jamsan2005rating: 4
January 12, 2006
If you want a decent concode in British airways and air france go to type Concorde
doggydrating: 2
December 26, 2005
Alright ive been looking for the perfect concorde fs2004 and this is best you can do First of all paint job bad, second front wheel way too long which causes back plane to be hovering off ground. Plus it doesnt fly pretty much wat freeware does.... If someone could make just perject that has REAL airlines like british airways air fance ACTUALLY FLEW id happiest guy in world. Just AT LEAST TRY improve thing. The only add on probably Concorde Professional payware Sorry but i need comment a lot about ons. Please
jordimarrating: 8
November 12, 2005
de todos los concorde que eh bajado para el 2004 es mejor ahora yo me pregunto una cosa q ya avion del mundo no tiene mas versiones creo si le digo a administradores por favor busquen fs muchas gracias ........ Jordi desde Espa
futurecaptainrating: 7
September 15, 2005
Very good sounds and it handles prety well but the painting isn t brilliant
jacobcox732rating: 5
April 13, 2005
Theres really is only one thing rong with this aircraft and thats the entire outside. But besides that very good effort
axiom13rating: 7
January 24, 2005
The back wheels never touch the ground
ADJ_9rating: 10
December 11, 2004
P38rating: 8
December 7, 2004
Definately a good plane. Not bad, but i don t mean to be critical, the last guy was right. Some minor adjustments could made.
dikkedeurrating: 6
December 7, 2004
gears are 6feet above strip, groundeffect seems to be overdone, however i cant determ proper while the funny pitch of plane....sound very good, in flight too unstable on trim regarding fact that this is a delta wing and should keep like flying trashcan I hope you can get rid those minor details, then it would one greatest planes fly fs. dont critisize painting, its wonder managed so far....