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Textures Only
AirAruba P4-YSA CHICHUBI by Angel van Delden for AirAruba V. A. at www. airaruba. tk Notice: This is exclusively repainted textures for the AFG (Allied Flight Simulator Group) NAMC YS-11 that can be downloaded from http: www. alliedfsgroup. com To install: (I will assume that the NAMC is already installed in your FS2004). 1 Copy the file aircraft. cfg to your namc YS-11 folder, and click on Yes when asked if you want to overwrite the existing file. 2 Copy the folder Texture. aru to your YS-folder. 3 Thats it!. Ready!. If you have any question let me know at alvandelden_at_gmail . com Have fun!. Angel van Delden www. vandelden. net. tf

Filesize: 981.41 Kb | Added on: Nov 19, 2004 | Downloads: 1265