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New, renovated fs2004 panel for Hercules C-130J. This new update uses a tailored bitmap made by Marco Spada using a picturerealistic image of last real C130j, uses also msfs default and third party gauges. Radar and Hud instruments gauges are by Eric Marciano. In this new release all 4 engines work well with all eicas instruments working. Panel By Marco Spada. www. arch-spada. com panels m. spada_at_mclink. it This panel is freeware and may be used exclusively under freeware policy.

Filesize: 1.58 MB | Added on: Nov 16, 2004 | Downloads: 5103

Users Reviews
New renovated FS2004 panel Hercules C-130J. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

jimbo88rating: 10
October 1, 2005
Great panel. Definately makes the c130 more fun to fly. love radar too, it get in close 744 s and 743 basically sit on there wings