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Complete Aircraft
FS2002 Fairchild C-123 Provider USCG colors GMax model with full animation, including door and ramp Aircraft by Vladimir Zhyhulskiy, Textures repaint by Carlos Lindarte, Panel by George Sandel Ray Brower zwvirtual_at_rushmor e. com

Filesize: 1.53 MB | Added on: Nov 07, 2004 | Downloads: 3023

Users Reviews
FS2002 Fairchild C-123 Provider USCG colors GMax model with. Rating: 8.50 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

NUTtofly1rating: 9
August 28, 2011
good download tryBill
eventrider26rating: 6
January 31, 2011
Great plane, easy to fly but no gauges.
mrawesome445rating: 10
November 28, 2010
Dad1948rating: 9
March 13, 2010
Very good AC to Fly, However there are no gauges. Need know where go get and addon panel for this AC. Good sound the outside look best.