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FS2004 Scenery EMMA field enhanchment Flight Simulator 2004 EMMA field enhancement. Static objects This enhancement is exclusively for those who purchased EMMA by LAGO. It includes 15 static general aviation aircraft (C-172 and Piper Archer) in different paints, plus a number of humans, all done in gmax. The objects were added to the scenery with a FREEWARE software developed by a team of Rwy12, Israel Roth and myself. The open ended software includes an object library, so far 300 of them, from which you can select objects and place them in FS2004 in a very quick way, while being in slew mode. The software is now under beta testing. By Seev Kahn

Filesize: 2.07 MB | Added on: Nov 01, 2004 | Downloads: 1494

Users Reviews
FS2004 Scenery EMMA field enhanchment enhancement. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

finesserating: 10
December 12, 2004
its supper i like it.