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Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Well we all know that a Minipanel has nothing to do with real flying, but I may say it is good to have especially flying over nice area where a good overlook means a lot so I have made this msfs default panel for FS2002 (Minipanel) in order to make aircrafts fully manoeuvrable from W-mode, especially in app. and landing stuations. With this Minipanel you will be able to lower gear and to switch of your autotrottle as well as switch on landing and taxi light. Also you will find an Overspeed Stall Break-warning signal. You can alter the fly-direction, Speed, Altitude (MB or HG) during your flight. This little product is made by using FSPanel Studio. It absolute free and can be used by anyone but remember not to make money out of it and dont make me responsible for any damage concerning installing and using this product what so ever. Hopefully enjoy this little thing-. Regards Mikael Seedorff. DK

Filesize: 253.35 Kb | Added on: Oct 20, 2004 | Downloads: 1288