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WV38 West Parkersburg Seaport is located on the Ohio River at Wood County, West Virginia. Transits from Dulles Intl (KIAD) and Indianapolis (KIND) will find this their mid-point. This is from FS2002 WV Series redone for Flightsim FS2004 FS9 on the Mid Ohio Valley and its tributaries. This scenery is made to blend with autogen scenery (default) and WV38 seaport is left msfs default so one may add their own AFCAD. Ever mindfull of frame-rates, its for Flightsim FS2004 FS9 and does well on my machine. by R Connolly r_connolly_at_charte r. net

Filesize: 841.93 Kb | Added on: Oct 18, 2004 | Downloads: 1577