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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 Vans RV-8 Tandem. In 1995, Vans decided to re-visit the tandem concept. Even though the side-by-side RV-6 6A had become the most popular homebuilt design ever, there was still a significant percentage of pilots who really wanted centerline seating. The consensus seemed to be that a new tandem airplane, optimized for cross-country flying, would be popular. The concept airplane was dubbed the RV-8. A one-of-a-kind demonstrator was built in 1995 and introduced at Oshkosh. The cockpit was several inches wider than the RV-4, so space both front and rear was greatly improved. Really big people (high on the bubba scale) who could not fit in earlier RVs now had an airplane they could fly. A front baggage compartment almost doubled the available baggage capacity and along with the usual comp
Show more... artment behind the rear seat, actually gave slightly more space than the RV-6 6A. This bundle features a FSDSv2 model, tailored panel, VC, moving parts, and two paint schemes. This aircraft is fun to fly, and also works well as an AI addition for general aviation routes. By Fred Choate. Show less...

Filesize: 478.01 Kb | Added on: Oct 18, 2004 | Downloads: 5100

Users Reviews
FS2004 Vans RV-8 Tandem. Rating: 8.83 of 10 over a total of 6 reviews.

Fly_Boy32rating: 10
November 23, 2007
Easy to install and fun fly, this plane easily deserves a 10. This is must have.
gekkorating: 9
August 10, 2007
HiCurating: 9
August 2, 2007
The Rv8 is not an Ultralite, it a Home built OBAM Owner Built And Maintained Experimantal
thunderthuddrating: 8
July 3, 2006
This is a fine plane, fast and reacts instantly to the joy stick. Takes awhile get settings.
eblundellrating: 10
April 24, 2005
Well Done, it flys incredebly well and the paint jobs are great, also a great VC your lacking rudder peddles stick but very good, Worth download
luisaorating: 7
October 20, 2004