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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 Spanish EF-18 Super Hornet Fictional Spanish Air Force textures of Air Wings 12, 15 and 46. One model clean, another model armed. Original by Daisuke Yamamoto, repaint by Jorge GM. http: www. fuerzasaereas. es. mw

Filesize: 18.17 MB | Added on: Oct 07, 2004 | Downloads: 9914

Users Reviews
FS2004 Spanish EF-18 Super Hornet Fictional Air Force. Rating: 8.50 of 10 over a total of 12 reviews.

daredevil7rating: 10
March 7, 2012
El mejor f 18 que he probado
JavierAlejandrorating: 10
December 1, 2007
Excelente avion. Tiene un panel muy completo y funcional, ademas del virtual. Felicitaciones uno de los mejores.
nsyrb123rating: 10
September 18, 2007
you can let go of the weapons if press shift ctrl w page down
H4CK3Rrating: 10
February 20, 2006
The best plane I ve erver seen 10 points. Perfect aircraft.
viper16crating: 9
October 10, 2005
Great model, sound, panel, and it flies great. The only downside is that kills your framerate.
cooldakerrating: 9
August 21, 2005
I m running this plane on fs2002 and the only problems ve had are green squares all over VC. But apart from that, great model sounds. Excellent to fly
N3SZXrating: 8
April 3, 2005
very nice looking model with a good vc, mach effects and handling. probably the best overall fa 18
bobaldoorating: 5
November 20, 2004
Great plane, the only problem is files are to big , you cant fly it. Its a framehog, make it smaller and this plane 10.
soloharperating: 9
November 7, 2004
Broonrating: 2
November 6, 2004
This file comes WITHOUT instructions to install, which is rather unhelpfull I tried install it but kept crashing back the desk top when i went fly it. It doesnt take long make a notebook and add in. Some of us are not as computer literate other folk who spend 24 7 on them. If you dont know what your doing, suggest stay away from this plane. Disapointing.
neopierrating: 10
October 31, 2004
Very nice plane, very detailed, one of my favorites. If it had a virtual cockpit, would be perfect. Thanks
the_gazza_manrating: 10
October 26, 2004