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CORSE Version I For FS2004 By Toni Agramont September of 2004 The Corse. for the French, The Corsica for the Italians, Corsica for the Catalans Corsica cradle of Napoleon Buonaparte. Closed fist whose index finger points toward the gulf of Genoa. He has 1047 kilometers of abrupt coast. Their longitude but big it reaches the 184 kilometers for 84 of wide. It is three times more big that Majorca, The island bigger than the Balearic ones. Their culminating height. The mount Belt reaches the 2700 meters of altitude. The island of Corsica contains 143 communities. Of them 104 are represented scenario presently. 5 airports exist but two aerodromes. Several sea ports in the main cities. The architecture of their you marry it seems a lot those of my millennial Catalunya.. . by Toni Agramont

Filesize: 7.74 MB | Added on: Oct 01, 2004 | Downloads: 1930