Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
TAXO SUPERSONIC MILITARY Helicopter and JET for FS2004 and FS2002. Helicopter and JET 2. line helicopter station in America (probably) ; complete avionics and virtual cockpit. Animated Pilots, Weapons, Visor, landing gear, Rotors and flares. Model, panel, sounds, textures by A. Meyer www. afs-design. de

Filesize: 2.08 MB | Added on: Sep 25, 2004 | Downloads: 4161

Users Reviews
TAXO SUPERSONIC MILITARY Helicopter and JET FS2004. Rating: 5.80 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

Dan81rating: 10
May 12, 2007
This helli is Awsome dan81
nnnnrating: 2
December 21, 2005
very hard to fly, sound bad might just be me
k1000rating: 8
July 27, 2005
I like this plane. it is kinda hard to fly at high speed but overall good.
exile34rating: 1
March 17, 2005
dude ..... drop it its not worth O.O if i could id rate a
koopa2rating: 8
October 25, 2004
It s a great working heli, but it is realy difficult to install everything so that works . 3 Points becaus installation and you need often both downloads 1 point cuz as in FS2002,too. P.S. I know this looks like shark has nice powerful guns fire blue plasma. Won t be if noone shoot me down Networkgames iam over some Mountains with my Chessna.