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Complete Aircraft
FS2004 Air New Zealand & NAC 737-200 National Airways Corporation, was the main domestic carrier in New Zealand prior to the 1978 Merger with Air New Zealand. The Wings of the Nation color layout was predominant in the 1970s before the merger saw the Koru addition to the tail while keeping the same red orange colors into the early 1980s. Original by Erick Cantu, Flight Dynamics by Mike Baumann Repaints by Alistair Slee.

Filesize: 5.55 MB | Added on: Sep 24, 2004 | Downloads: 1455

Users Reviews
FS2004 Air New Zealand & NAC 737-200 National Airways. Rating: 6.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

planeman2004rating: 6
February 28, 2005
It flys great. But the plane sometimes bumps up and down on ground. I would rate this about a 6 because of virtual cockpit that panel.